The breath of life for La Panier, Marseille
pen-and-ink drawing: 200cm x 98cm, 2024


A unique plant grows on the coast of Marseille: Posidonia oceanica. Millions of years ago, Posidonia grew on land. But the plant decided to return back to the sea, where it lives until today up to a maximum depth of 40 metres. Posidonia strengthens the seabed with its roots, thus protecting the coast from erosion and providing shelter and food for numerous marine animals. It can store up to 15 times more carbon than a forest. Although it lives in the sea, it photosynthesises like land plants and thus makes an important contribution to oxygen production.

The video was created as part of a project on marine oxygen production on the coast of Marseille, 2024. The plant in the video performance shows a single blade of Posidonia grass in a performative dialogue. Special thanks to the team of the Direction de la Mer et du littoral – Ville de Marseille, Service biodiversité et environnement littoral et marin.

Posidonia, short film 4:30min, 2024

Marseille, Palais Longchamp and the twinkling of the sea

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink and Shellac Ink on acid free Paper, 145cm x 145cm, 2024.
Muséum d’histoire naturel de Marseille and luminescent Phytoplankton (Dinoflagellates) in the middle of Posidonia oceanica.

Marseille, La Bonne Mère – embraced by Posidonia and kissed by Dictyochaceae

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 145cm x 145cm, 2024

Poumon et âme

Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 160cm x 145cm, 2024

The Source

Where does your soul come from? Does it come from the same source as mine? Where does the breath of life come from? Is the source the same for everyone or are there many sources? Or is there one – the original source – from which the other sources originate?

The following video images are a combination of microscope films of water from the „Neuer See“ (New Lake) in Berlin’s Tiergarten together with a performative dialogue.

The Source, short film 3:30min, 2024


I am the centre of a kaleidoscope.
My radius varies.
The axis remains the same.
If I turn, the entire outside changes.
All information will be rearranged.
Every movement reveals new complex correlations.
The outside is fleeting and chaotic.
I am the centre of a kaleidoscope.

Video and Sound: 2:30min
Dip Pen Drawing, Original Measurement: 150cm x 150cm, Ink on acid free Paper, 2023/24

Image Miroir, Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 98cm x 200cm, 2024

Arrival, Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 210cm x 98cm, 2024

Sans souffle, aucune vie, Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 98cm x 200cm, 2024/23

Without breath, no life.

Around 70% of all the oxygen on our planet is produced by the seas and oceans. More than every second breath we take is produced by marine ecosystems. But the Earth’s marine ecosystems are in danger. No breath, no life.

Environ 70 % de l’oxygène présent sur notre planète est produit par les mers et les océans. Plus d’une respiration sur deux est produite par les écosystèmes marins. Mais les écosystèmes marins de la Terre sont en danger. Sans souffle, aucune vie.

Sans souffle, aucune vie, short film 3:47min, 2024

Mairie Historique de Marseille et Phytoplancton

Phytoplancton, Dictyocha
Triptych part 1,
Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 90cm x 60cm, 2024
Phytoplancton, Emiliana-huyleyi
Triptych part 2,
Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 90cm x 60cm, 2024
Phytoplancton, Desmids
Triptych part 3,
Dip Pen Drawing, Ink on acid free paper, 90cm x 60cm, 2024

People who care about the Marine Ecosystem

Serie: Marine ecosystem, Dip Pen Drawings, Ink on acid free paper, each 100cm x 74cm, 2024


Poseidonia Herbarium

Seagrass studies, Dip Pen Drawings, Ink on acid free paper, each 23,5cm x 15cm, 2024